Crónicas das sessões PMI Portugal Toastmasters

18 de abril de 2022

This last meeting in our club was aligned with good performances. The great opening done by the Sargeant At Arms, Rui Domingos presented us with some thoughts about Superman!

Others key players of this chronicle was our first toastmaster, Patrícia Malta Dias, that cut to the chase when conducting the meeting, explaining every path in a brief way. The Alcântara Library was full of enthusiasts toastmasters, members and guests.

In the first part of the meeting we were toasted by an interesting speech of João Louro about fear and how scaried we feel when we face a big challenge. At the end fear is the fuel to reach our dreams and success! Our President, Sebastião Barata, presented us a tricky speech about debates.

Then we continued with the Table Topic Master Ana Teresa Pereira. Through the topic of celebrating Spring, the session was enriched with different and beautiful speeches delivered by Sebastião, Rui Domingos and our guests Andreas and Sónia.

Finally, the evaluations were set with many points of improvements. The technical evaluations, the grammarian, Daniela Rodrigues with her magic wand presented a very vivid report with good and not so good points. The ah-counter, Denys played a consistent role as well as the timekeeper, Eliana Ribeiro. The table topic evaluator, Roberto Freitas, was feeling very happy when introduced his report.

Overall this meeting in English was aligned with the values of toastmasters, like learning, leading, speaking, giving solid feedbacks and above all having lots of fun.

See you all in the next meeting. Thank you!

Revisão de conteúdo, Patrícia Malta Dias

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